Use "failed miserably|fail miserably" in a sentence

1. You're going to fail miserably.

2. 7 Some manage it. Some fail miserably.

3. 14 He failed miserably as an actor.

4. 9 We failed miserably to agree.

5. 12 She failed miserably in her latest business.

6. Time and again their efforts at prediction fail miserably.

7. I was misled and I failed you miserably.

8. I tried to cheer her up, but failed miserably.

9. 13 I failed miserably in my duty to protect her.

10. 5 I tried to cheer her up, but failed miserably.

11. Battle of the Beltways–and for seven years I failed miserably

12. Many of us have tried to lose weight and failed miserably.

13. 3 I tried to cheer her up, but failed miserably.

14. But the laissez-faire Anglo-Saxon model has also now failed miserably.

15. I tried to impersonate a sleepy voice, and, again, failed miserably.

16. 24 Millions of people have tried to quit smoking and failed miserably .

17. 23 Many of us have tried to lose weight and failed miserably.

18. 21 School-to-work must reflect business priorities and will fail miserably without business participation.

19. We tried to develop plans for them to get along, which all failed miserably.

20. 16 They wandered around miserably.

21. You failed miserably to mention the excellent selection of scalable fonts that come with PagePlus.

22. I had a divine right and a solemn duty to warn them, but failed miserably.

23. 22 We tried to develop plans for them to get along, which all failed miserably.

24. The sick child was wailing miserably.

25. 1 Margaret sniffed miserably and nodded.

26. 25 I had a divine right and a solemn duty to warn them, but failed miserably.

27. 19 They were miserably poor.

28. But he failed miserably in getting lawmakers to pass offsetting spending cuts, aggravating two decades of deficits.

29. 20 He nodded miserably and headed north.

30. 30 My own diagnosis - male menopause with too much of the flesh pots - failed most miserably.

31. 20 The little girl was wailing miserably.

32. The little girl was wailing miserably.

33. 10 The fire fizzled miserably in the rain.

34. 8 He looked miserably down at his plate.

35. 2 Phil sat huddled miserably in his chair.

36. It was drizzling, and miserably cold and damp.

37. 6 The sick child was wailing miserably.

38. 5 The little girl was wailing miserably.

39. He adds, “He certainly has failed miserably —as far as I can tell— to make persuasive emissaries for his program!”

40. The barriers are clear enough, what remains unclear is why some people are able to surmount them when others fail miserably.

41. 11 "I'm so unhappy, " sobbed Chris,( miserably.

42. Alone and sleepless, she stared miserably up at the ceiling.

43. 4 It was drizzling, and miserably cold and damp.

44. 17 Alone and sleepless, she stared miserably up at the ceiling.

45. The Campaign Against Living Miserably (Calm) is leading a movement against suicide

46. Idaho lawmaker Apologizes for 'sexist' remarks: 'I failed miserably' "After hearing my remarks played back, I recognize how my remarks sounded derogatory or …

47. 26 Attempts to create vehicles of left-wing opinion have not succeeded; both the News-on-Sunday and the East End News failed miserably.

48. 28 But what else could she possibly hope to see? she wondered miserably.

49. 29 They stood under a street light and waved and cried miserably.

50. Antonyms for Contentedly include unhappily, miserably, cheerlessly, morosely, bleakly, despairingly, sullenly, darkly, disconsolately and dispiritedly

51. 15 Dad and I rattled around miserably in the house after Mum died.

52. He held one paw forward in an awkward, unnatural way and kept licking it miserably.

53. He trudged off miserably down jubilee Road with the cold rain dripping from his ear lobes.

54. 27 The witch was cast into the fire and had to burn miserably till she was dead.

55. We hardly look askance at the miserably married or theexes who hurl epithets in divorce court.

56. After being counted one more time, still holding Elizabeth's hand I followed the crocodile miserably through darkened rooms.

57. I spent seven long days pining for my new family and staring miserably at two crumpled photos.

58. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.

59. 18 We sat miserably in the pub, lamenting the fact that our dry clothes were a 60-mile bus journey away.

60. 16 The easiest thing in this situation is to do nothing and rest miserably in the comfort zone of doing something predictable.

61. THE HONORABLE PERCIVAL ALICE HEGAN RICE He remained staring miserably across at the hills, whose still beauty he Begrudged. SONS AND LOVERS DAVID HERBERT LAWRENCE

62. Alphabeting Summary: Maybe it’s dumb, maybe she should just-- steal her mum’s Xanax and find a secluded alleyway right now to down them all, but she’s already failed, so miserably, spent half an hour working up a believable story to explain the gash on her hand only …

63. Ahorseback on May 05, 2016: Living in the state where Sanders is from and has been more than instrumental in destroying an entire economy , I can say that the left has failed miserably to vet a candidate that has nothing in his political pocket except empty, political sixties, mindless ,socialist, non …

64. Abjectly adv adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (miserably) abyecto/a adj adjetivo : Describe el sustantivo.

65. In contrast to the homeschooling endeavor I have pursued for more than a decade—where we are able to take the good parts of education and create a whole that far exceeds its constitutive parts—"home-Churching" has proven to have quite the opposite result: Most of the parts are present, and yet they fail miserably to create a superior whole

66. Try and fail, but don't fail to try.

67. If you fail to prepare, you're prepared to fail.

68. Students who fail to meet the requirements will fail.

69. Nobody plans to fail , but many fail to plan .

70. Problem: hatch door malfunction, backup power fail, manual override fail

71. 12 If you fail to prepare, you're prepared to fail.

72. Why Some Marriages Fail

73. He will surely fail.

74. You didn't fail, Abe.

75. LockNull: All locks fail

76. Your plan will fail!

77. Preview failed with Mozilla failed when pathnames included spaces.

78. Our banks began to fail.

79. However, the siege will fail.

80. One in ten will fail.